Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Sanity has been postponed

 They won't be playing basketball tonight in the Breslin Center, on account of this is America and America does what America does. Which is turn one constitutional amendment into a quasi-religion.

God (and his consecrated church, the Second Amendment) wanted Americans to have guns, apparently, all the guns they wanted. And if that means some college kid studying in his dorm room on a weekday February night has to die ... well, there are always going to be crazy people, and the best defense against them is to buy even MORE guns and arm everyone like the 82nd Airborne.

Sorry. But the normalization of insanity tends to drive me ... insane.

It's where we are now after yet another Active Shooter decided to resolve whatever was bugging him by taking a firearm -- hell, they practically grow on trees these days, just pick one -- onto the campus of Michigan State and ending the lives of three college kids, just because. And critically wounded five others, just because.

After which he ate his own gun, just because.

I don't know even know what to say about this anymore, frankly. Except that, yes, this is America, and America does what America does.

Tomorrow or the day after or next week, some other crazy all jumped up on the politics of aggrievement or plain insanity will pluck another gun off the gun tree, and more Americans will die because they decided to go to the grocery or take the kids to McDonald's for lunch or simply go to work on another workday.

And they'll die with their cheeseburgers and fries growing cold, or cowering under a desk crowded with the everyday debris of their everyday. 

And again the usual suspects will wring their hands and send out their decorative Thoughts and Prayers, and say there's nothing we can do to prevent these tragedies except run out and buy more guns. Because, you know, gun manufacturers gotta eat, too.

Wanna stop school shootings? Equip every teacher with a loaded weapon!

Wanna go to the grocery store without wondering if you're gonna get plugged? Don't leave the house without your trusty sidearm! Buy two, they're small!

This is our country now, boys and girls. It's the country we want, apparently, because we keeping sending it to Washington and our statehouses and installing it in positions of power.

Meanwhile, three college kids are dead when they shouldn't be.

Five more are fighting for their lives in the hospital when they shouldn't be.

And there'll be no basketball in Breslin tonight, no Tom Izzo working the refs, no white-clad Izzone having his back and giving the business to those poor jamokes from Minnesota.

Next to that game on the Big Ten schedule, it now says "Postponed."

You could say the same about sanity too.

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