Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Explaining the inexplicable

I don't know West Virginia basketball coach Bob Huggins from a box of Huggies. Let's open with that this morning.

I don't know Huggins, so I don't know if he's a drinking man, although a DUI helped cost him his gig at Cincinnati two decades ago. And therefore the thought that popped into my head the other day was probably unfair, even if it was also unavoidable:

Was Bob Huggins drunk?

Because I don't know what else could explain what he said on the radio the other day that's got him in hot water. It was so profoundly stupid and reckless that intoxication seemed the only viable explanation. I mean, not just the F-word (not THE F-word, the homophobic F-word), but Catholic F-word?

Wow. Just ... wow.

Hell  of a day when you can go on talk radio and insult not just gay people but, by inference, the largest Christian religion in the world. Yet that's what Hugs did when he called Xavier University "Catholic f*****s" on Bill Cunningham's show. And did it not just once, but twice.

Now his job's in jeopardy, presumably, and it should be. You can say any damn-fool thing you want in America, and half the country does now because it thinks it's clever or The Truth or some other bullshite thing. But that doesn't mean your bosses have to put up with it.

I've read the Constitution, see. Nothing in there about a business having to employ idiots and bigots if it doesn't want to.

This especially would seem to apply to an institution of higher learning, which WVU reputedly is. And so you've got to figure Hugs is gone. And, as night follows day, here will come the usual suspects making their usual noises about Free Speech and Wokeness and, I don't know, maybe Drag Queens, too, because that seems to be the usual suspects' newest weird obsession. And all of it will hugely miss the point.

Which is, there used to be something called manners. And professionalism. And when you signed on to work for someone, those were expected of you. It was an implicit condition of employment that you not to say or do anything that embarrasses either your employer or yourself.

Hugs did both with his twofer slur the other day.

Now it's up to his university not to embarrass itself, and show him the street.

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