Thursday, November 19, 2020


 So the NBA draft was last night, which completely blindsided me because it's November and the NBA draft is usually in the offseason in late June, but then again it's the offseason now because the NBA season or Weird Summer Thing or whatever it was just ended in October ...

Yeesh. Who can make heads or tails of this anymore?

I'm all bumfuzzled, as Bobby Bowden used to say. Which means all I know about the NBA draft is one of Tom Crean's guys (Anthony Edwards) was the top pick, which was kinda cool because I always thought Crean got unduly roughed up by the delusional Indiana fan base.

Also, James Wiseman went No. 2, and that was kinda cool because he and Penny Hardaway and Memphis got unduly roughed up by the NCAA, which said Wiseman couldn't play because Hardaway knew Wiseman before he became Memphis' head coach or some such thing.

Hey, it's the NCAA. It's not like it has to make sense or anything.

Anyway, that's all I got on the NBA draft, and that's the Bastard Plague's fault. It stuck 2020 in a blender and hit puree, and now up is down and November is June and everything is as un-moored as Lindsey Graham and Rudy Giuliani and that whole crowd. 

I hear rumors, for instance, that Thanksgiving is a week from today, but who knows. It could be the Fourth of July and we'll all be outside blowing stuff up and giving turkey hotdogs a Viking funeral on the grill.  Which'll it be, Cousin Eddie, stuffing or potato salad?

Of course, this would mean Thanksgiving and Christmas were in August and September, and we missed both of them. Bad news for the kids and Santa; good news for all of us who didn't want to spend time with Cousin Eddie or your crazy Trumper brother-in-law, or your even crazier sister-in-law who thinks Covid-19 is a commie plot and Hillary and Joe Biden eat babies for breakfast.

In any event, on the off chance next Thursday actually is Thanksgiving, we'll be committing the usual turkeycide. And I'll still be trying to figure out who the Indiana Pacers took with their only pick.

Word is it was Cassius Stanley from Duke, but it could have been Bob Netolicky for all I know. That kinda time, boys and girls.

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