Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The dumbest thing you'll read today ...

 ... comes from Chip Towers of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Congratulations, Chip!

The astute Mr. Towers points out here that, by golly, it gets cold in January in Indianapolis, where the CFP national championship game between Georgia and Alabama will be played Monday. Like, really cold (Eighteen degrees on Friday, Chip says. That's COLD!). Also, there's much more to do in, say, Louisville, which is where some Georgia fans are opting to stay because, you know, Indy is all penguins and glaciers and British explorers dying of exposure and stuff.

I'm trying hard to think of something Louisville offers in January that Indianapolis doesn't. Nope, sorry. Got nothin'.

But, wait, there's more!

Mr. Towers also points out that lodging will be much, much cheaper in Lullville, and ticket prices for the national championship game will be SO EXPENSIVE YOU CAN'T BELIEVE IT.

I'm trying hard to think of somewhere else that wouldn't be true if that somewhere else were the site of the national championship game.

Nope, sorry. Got nothin'. 

Fortunately for any warm-blooded Georgians or Alabamians, Lucas Oil Stadium, the game site, has a retractable roof. And everyone's been assured it will be closed, which means the game-time temperature will be 72 degrees or so.

"That's COLD!" Chip says.

OK. So he didn't.

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