Saturday, January 22, 2022

Dey scared

 You hate to label an NFL playoff team chicken, especially one that loves to bludgeon you with Derrick Henry 25 or 30 times a game. But the Tennessee Titans ought to be available in original recipe or extra crispy.

This is because the Titans decided to change their rules on ticket transfers this week, on account of their own fans frequently get out-fanned by visiting fans and they're hosting a team with a particularly rabid fan base. The Bengals are coming, see, and Who Dey Nation is likely to come with them. So to avoid seeing their home field go tiger-stripe orange for today's AFC divisional playoff game, they decreed this week no one could sell their tickets until 4:30 p.m. yesterday.

"We want Nissan Stadium to be two-tone blue," explained Titans' VP of Ticketing, Brooke Ellenberger, somewhat dumbly giving away the game.

Now, the Blob generally has no dog in these hunts, but the Titans blatantly trying to gin up their home-field advantage by keeping out visiting fans has it rooting solidly for the Bengals today. Because what the Titans are doing is plain dirty pool. Plus, it's chicken as all get out, as noted.

Look, you want to do everything in your power to get your fans out, more power to you. But to suddeny change your rules in an attempt to micro-manage your home-field advantage is contemptible. Plus it's a major diss on your fan base, which clearly the Titans think cannot be relied upon at crunch time.

If I were one of those inclined to wear two-tone blue to games in Nashville, that would piss me off something fierce. And maybe motivate me to prove the Titans wrong.

Which makes me think the Titans might be playing a longer game here than I realize.

Nah. They're just chicken.

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