Monday, June 28, 2021

Tour de L0OK OUT!

 This morning the Blob checks in on the Tour de France, aka, That Bicycle Thingy, aka, That Bicycle Thingy No One In America Has Cared Much About Since Lance "The Mob Boss of Juicing" Armstrong Got Busted.

We're checking in on it because the other day a new stupid spectator champion was crowned.

That's because some doofus decided to hold out a "Hi Grandma" sign as the peloton swept down on him, causing a cyclist to hit the sign and fall, which in turn caused nearly the entire peloton to crash in a gigantic dogpile of expensive bicycling equipment. 

Here's the video. Impressive, no?

The Blob has searched the dim recesses of its mind (which would be pretty much all the recesses these days), and it can't think of another stupid spectator episode in which an entire sporting event came to such a catastrophic halt because of said stupid spectator.

I mean, fans have gotten onto various fields before and run around like idiots, and just a week or so ago a naked spectator burst onto the course at the U.S. Open, pulled out a club and a couple of balls and hit them, then frolicked around until corralled by course officials.

But none of the golfers ran into each other and wound up in a pile of logo caps and alpaca because of him. And all the idiots who've ever gotten onto various fields didn't bring any games to a screeching halt or cause possible injury to any of the competitors.

Although Mike "Mad Dog" Curtis did knock the crap out of one of the idiots once upon a time.

No, whoever this particular idiot was set a new standard for stupid spectator behavior. So here's to him.

Or, you know, not.

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