Monday, June 28, 2021

Adulting, the fail edition

 The Blob has always maintained that youth sports would be a lot better, and more wholesome, maybe, if only the youth were allowed to participate.

Adults only muck things up, frequently. Especially the adults sitting in the bleachers, who labor under the delusion that little Jimmy could be the next Michael Jordan/Pele/Walter Payton/Willie Mays if the idiot refs would stop picking on him and that idiot coach would just let him play and keep all the other loser kids on the bench.

Also ... hey, let's throw tortillas at the Latino kids!

Which actually happened at a recent basketball game in San Diego, where players from Orange Glen, a predominantly Latino high school, were showered with tortillas by the opposing players after losing in a regional championship game. Here's the story, courtesy of Carron Phillips of Deadspin.

And who supplied the offenders with the tortillas?

Why, an alleged adult, of course!

No wonder kids don't know how to act these days.

And speaking of acting, how about this splendid example of adulting?

Seriously? Brawling at a bleeping tee ball game?

I mean, OK, it was Kentucky, but still. Why is the "coach" even disputing a call? Does he not realize he's not managing the Cubs or Yankees, but a bunch of 5-to-7-year-olds who (if my experience watching tee ball is any guide) are probably playing in the dirt at third base or sitting on first counting their toes? 

Yo, chief. You're not Sparky Anderson or Tommy Lasorda. You're just some neighborhood guy trying to keep a bunch of little kids from wandering off between innings. And "parents"?

The last I saw your little Jimmy, he was manning second base by staring out toward the outfield. And now he's probably in tears, thanks to you, because a lot of the kids in Kentucky were after the alleged grownups started throwing down and the cops showed up.

Yes, that's right, boys and girls. The police were called to break up a fight at a tee-ball game. I can only imagine what the officers who responded were thinking.

I'm guessing something along the lines of, "What the f***?"

And the Blob's reaction?

I say ban the alleged grownups. And no organized sports until a kid is, I don't know, 11 or 12. The gifted kids will still rise to the top -- and without all that AAU/travel ball noise, they'll probably be a hell of a lot more well-adjusted.

Works for me.

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