Thursday, June 24, 2021

Gettin' religion

 And now the latest from Cringe Mode Central, aka the NCAA. aka #ohmigodtheextinctioneventisuponus:

The overseers of "amateur" collegiate athletics have gotten religion.

Which is another way of saying they've gotten their tails kicked in court so many times -- the latest a 9-0 get-that-weak-s***-outta-here rejection by the Supremes -- they've decided to come out with their hands up.

In the wake of all the legal smackdowns, the Division I board of governors has been scrambling to put together a waiver to extend student-athletes name, image and likeness (NIL) rights. This is happening in advance of July 1, when at least six states will have NIL laws going into effect.

The lesson here?

That you can only maintain a BS construct until someone with some clout -- state leges, the courts, etc. -- calls you on your BS. Then you have to say, "Yeah, OK, everything we've been doing/saying/legislating is complete hogwash. It was all just a scam to make a pile of money on the backs of a labor force we maintained to the world wasn't a labor force."

And now?

Well, gee, now it turns out the NCAA member schools didn't need to do that at all, despite all their sky-is-falling chatter about the evils of student-athletes accepting an occasional free Happy Meal or some such thing. Turns out they only said that stuff because, well, they wanted to keep the pile  all to themselves.

Funny how quickly that tune changes when a bunch of folks in black robes say "Nah, sorry. Try again." Funny how magnanimous they get all of a sudden.

Charity doesn't begin at home, see. It begins when someone puts a big-ass legal gun to your head.

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