Friday, October 2, 2020

Covid autumn

 So now comes the news that the President of the United States says he's tested positive for the Bastard Plague, which means the next presidential debate is off, which is good news for America and also probably for the President, whose portrayal of a schoolyard bully the other night was both disgusting and no stretch at all.

(And what's it say about Our Only Available Impeached President that a lot of people immediately suspected he was lying again? And that this is merely another Distract-O-Con to change the narrative from Tuesday's poo-show? And that this seems not a ridiculously QAnon-ish deduction but entirely logical, given OOAIP's chronic aversion to the truth?)

Anyway ... the 'Rona has allegedly invaded the White House, which means the British Army now has to share the top spot in the Breaking And Entering The People's House polls. It's been a nice run for the Limeys since 1814, but now they gotta move over. Sorry, old chap.

Sorry, too, that the Plague isn't going away the way OOAIP and our own Guv seemed to think it would, or has gone away, or ... something. Because in this same week it supposedly infiltrated OOAIP's Cone of Denial, it also penetrated the Shield.

Which is to say, the Steelers and Titans will not be playing football Sunday. 

This is because there's been an outbreak of the Plague down there in Tennessee, and it temporarily shut down football activities for both the Titans and the Vikings, who played the germ-infested Titans last Sunday. The Vikings all tested clean, so they'll play this week, but the Titans-Steelers game has been moved to Week 7 after two more Titans tested positive this week.

In the meantime, the T's facilities are closed and their season is on hold. And it's OK to wonder if this isn't the beginning of a greater unraveling in the NFL season.

It may not be. The NFL's response so far has been suitably aggressive; the league quickly rolled out a new set of enhanced protocols in response to the Titans outbreak. But it's hardly a Chicken Little deal to foresee other outbreaks happening as the season plunges deeper into fall, and to wonder when postponements and/or outright cancellations reach a critical mass.

In the meantime, we'll keep an eye on the germy White House, and pray the President escapes the full wrath of the Bastard Plague, because no one deserves the full wrath of this vile contagion. 

If in fact the White House actually is germy.

Sorry, Mr. President. But you bought that one fair and square.

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