Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hell freezes over

Which is another way of saying, "Remember this date."

Which is another way of saying, "Wait ... what?"

Which is another way of saying "Wait ... what? You're saying the College Football Playoff people actually got their first poll right, mostly?"

Well, yes, actually. They did.

Here are the top four teams in the first CFP poll, released yesterday: Ohio State, LSU, Alabama and Penn State.

Here is where defending national champion Clemson is ranked, even though the Tigers are as undefeated as the four teams just named: Fifth.

This is right, mostly. This is just, mostly. This is the stars in their courses, shining brightly.

I know. The Blob had to break out the smelling salts, too.

But as much fun as it is to bash the CFP when it gets stuff wrong, it's simple fairness to acknowledge when it gets stuff right (mostly). And Ohio State, LSU, Alabama, Penn State and Clemson, in that order, is right. Mostly.

The Blob has been saying for awhile now that Ohio State is the best team in the country, and pretty clearly so. And, hey, look who's No. 1 in the first poll! Ohio State!

LSU, meanwhile, is exactly where it belongs at No. 2. Alabama might actually be ranked a tad high at No. 3, seeing how the Crimson Tide has gotten fat on a pile of Whatsammatta U.'s. They'd have gotten fat on the Little Sisters of the Poor, too, but the Little Sisters of the Poor didn't have an open date on their schedule.

Unbeaten Penn State at No. 4, on the other hand, acknowledges what everyone not guzzling flagons of the SEC Kool-Aid already know: That top to bottom, the Big Ten is the best conference in the country this year. And Clemson?

The Tigers got no marks for what happened last year, which is the way it should be. And they got dinged for playing even more Whatsamatta U.'s than Alabama has, and for almost, just about, pert near losing to one of them.

Squirmed past North Carolina by a skinny point, the Tigers did. North Carolina, which right now sits at 4-5 on the season after losing to a "meh" Virginia outfit. So no soup for you, Clemson -- although after 'Bama and LSU knock heads this weekend, there likely will be.

Can't wait to see when the CFP folks next get it this right.

Assuming we all live that long.

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