Sunday, March 17, 2019

Your fantasy football update

... or to put it another way: Your indoor football update.

In which we learn the National Gridiron League, which encompasses teams from around the country or so we've been told, is pushing back the beginning of the season to May. According to the commissioner/league owner, this is so franchises have a chance to do some marketing.

Of course, you would think the franchises would have already begun marketing, but apparently not. The substance of marketing for Fort Wayne's entry, the Indiana Blue Bombers -- not to be confused with the Indiana Other Guys down in Evansville -- consists of having a website on which you can buy tickets. If it has a staff in place locally, it's done an excellent job of lying low.

In any case, the season is on hold until May. The Blob suspects this has less to do with the official narrative than it does with the possibility a lot of the teams aren't really, well, situated yet. Which is to say, they may or may not actually have buildings in which to play.

And so it goes, and so it goes, as Kurt Vonnegut was fond of saying. The Blob may be a hardened cynic where indoor football at this level is concerned, but only because it's lived through the four other incarnations and knows how slapdash it all tends to be. If I have the queasiest of feelings that I've seen this movie before, it's only because I've seen this movie before.

In any case, what was a 16-game season is now down to 12, and the Blue Bombers are scheduled to open at home on May 5 against the Pennsylvania Pioneers. Then they travel to Evansville to play the Other Indiana. Then they take on the Arkansas Twisters and the Mississippi Mudcats.

These teams may all exist. Or they may not. The Blob will reserve judgment until they actually show up.

Or until the Blue Bombers do. You never know with these guys.

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