Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Happy meals for the (White) House!

Look, the Blob has nothing against Big Macs. Or fries. Or pizza. I mean, there's a reason it's called the Blob.

And so Our Only Available President rolling out the fast-food carpet for Clemson's national champion football team didn't exactly strike the Blob dumb with horror, as daily an occurrence as that generally is  with OOAP's runaway clown car of an administration. They're college kids. They're conversant with drive-thrus. So why not?

But there's a reason why the intersection of sports and politicians is almost always an awkward one.  And this overshot awkward and proceeded right to contemptible.

Serving college kids fast food is one thing, see. Using them as props in a transparently cheap political stunt is quite another.

And so OOAP served Big Macs and fries not as a gesture of cheerful generosity to Clemson's nation champs, but to show the world that, by golly, we Republicans are Doing Our Austere Bit during the shutdown our president precipitated.  Look! We're eating Quarter Pounders, not caviar! And all because WE BELIEVE IT'S VITAL TO ADDRESS BORDER SECURITY!

Which is exactly what OOAP managed to sneak in there while honoring Clemson's football players.

This undoubtedly played well with OOAP's base, which has never been very good at seeing through even his most painfully obvious stratagems. And it might have played well with quite a few of the Clemsons, football people being the demographic they sometimes seems to be.

But you have to wonder if at a least few eyebrows went to full staff when OOAP launched into his mini-sermon about his latest fetish object, The Wall That Will Solve Our Largely Imaginary Border  Crisis. There have to have been a least a couple players who were thinking, "Again with the stupid wall? The hell, man?"

Of course, that was an awesome spread of Big Macs OOAP laid out. So maybe not.

We can hope, though.  

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