Monday, January 14, 2019

A brief pause for states' (naming) rights

And now this welcome news from the Great Plains, where North and South Dakota have finally admitted what the rest of the country has known forever: That they are essentially the same windswept expanse of nothing.

And so, displaying the thriftiness that was a hallmark of those who decided Oregon was too far so "let's just stop here in this windswept expanse of nothing," their descendants are circulating a petition. It asks that North and South Dakota be combined into a single entity called "MegaKota."

Now, this has nothing in particular to do with Sportsball World, or why Philip Rivers doesn't just stay home the next time he's forced to play the Patriots in the playoffs. But it does afford the Blob another opportunity to indulge one of its favorite pastimes -- i.e., making fun of states that are even more boring than Indiana.

In this particular instance, it affords the Blob the opportunity to come up with a more imaginative name than "MegaKota." (A less imaginative name, of course, would be a challenge as well.) Oh, the possibilities ...

1. Can'tFeelMyFeeta-Kota.

(Sample accompanying state motto: "Come for the frostbite, stay for the hypothermia.")

2. We'veGotMt.RushmoreAndYouDon'ta-Kota.

(Sample motto: "And a big-ass building made of corn, too! So there!")

3.  SteveBuscemiBuriedThatMoneySomewhereAroundHerea-Kota.

(Sample motto: "You've seen 'Fargo', right? Think they ever made a flick that great about Indiana? And no fair bringing up 'Hoosiers'.")

4. WeHaveBombersSoWatchTheWindchillJokesa-Kota

(Sample motto: "Home of Minot Air Force Base. For all your nuclear winter needs.")

5.  NoPierreIsNotTheNameOfTheGovernor'sDoga-Kota.

(Sample motto: "Yes, it's a real city! No, we don't know who 'Pierre' is!")

And last but not least ...

6. TreesAreOverrateda-Kota.

(Sample motto: "If you want trees, why don't you move to Indiana?  I'm sure you and Norman Dale will be quite happy there!")

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