Saturday, September 27, 2014

Your historical perspective for today

So, last night the Kansas City Royals clinched a playoff berth.

This is not in and of itself remarkable; it is, after all, baseball's Season When Teams Clinch Playoff Berths. What is remarkable is the Royals haven't been in the playoffs for 29 years. Which means, for your history nerds out there, the last time the Royals did this ...

* Ronald Reagan was president.

* Michael Jordan had hair.

* People actually knew who Phillip Michael Thomas was.

* The Super Bowl Shuffle was a thing.

* The internet was not.

* Derek Jeter was 11.

* So was Dale Earnhardt Jr.

* Lebron James, meanwhile, was not yet 1.

* No one (or very few) had ever heard of  Oliver North, Dan Quayle, Osama bin Laden, Monica Lewinsky, Ken Starr, Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Oh, yeah: And there was no such thing as a "blog."

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