Monday, February 3, 2025

More name games

 Look, I know what I said, not quite two weeks ago. My short-term memory is not yet that wobbly, though there are times when it has balance issues putting its pants on one leg at a time.

So, yeah, I did say the Oakland A's and Oakland Raiders should always be known as the Oakland A's and the Oakland Raiders, no matter where or how often they move. I figured if the Nutty Professor in the White House thinks he can magically rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America or the Gulf of Rama Lama Ding Dong or whatever, we should be able to call the A's and Raiders whatever we want, too. And neener-neener-neener on anyone who says we can't.


Anyway, it seems the San Francisco Chronicle has come around to my way of thinking, although it will not continue to call the Oakland A's the "Oakland A's" like I said.

No, sir. Because the A's are making a pit stop in Sacramento this summer before presumably moving on to Las Vegas, the Chronicle has decided to call them the Sacramento A's, with "SAC" as the approved abbreviation.

The Blob heartily approves of this, no matter what I said ten days ago. And mostly it approves of this because it's a big ol' thumb in the eye of the Establishment, i.e. Major League Baseball.

MLB, see, has decreed that the A's will just be called the A's, or the Athletics. And the abbreviation will be "ATH" for standings and the like.

Well, phooey on that. As our esteemed President has demonstrated, a person can do anything he wants, no matter what the rules say. Rules are for losers, in this new America. Let freedom ring!

But I digress, somewhat snarkily.

What I mean to say is, hooray for the Chronicle. 'Tis a bold lot you are, to paraphrase Michaleen Flynn in "The Quiet Man." The rest of America might meekly follow along and call 'em the Athletics as MLB directs, but at the Chronicle (and, you bet, in Sacramento, too), they'll be the Sacramento Athletics.

And now?

Now it's on to defying the NHL over this Utah Hockey Club business.

Me, I'm gonna call 'em the Utah Overalls, or maybe the Utah Paper Straws. Just because I can.

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