Friday, August 2, 2024

Faster, higher, more transphobic

 Sometimes I think there's a whole species of Americans out there who wake up every morning thinking "What can I be outraged about today?", and who feel today won't be complete unless they can check off "outrage" on their calendars.

Yesterday: The mocking of the Last Supper in an Olympic opening ceremonies bit even though it wasn't about the Last Supper. Check.

Today: A female boxer from Algeria who SURELY IS ONE OF THEM TRANSGENDERS because she clocked her Italian opponent with a solid right. Check.

That sort of thing.

Anyway, the latest hoo-ha involves the aforementioned Algerian boxer, Imane Khelif, accused of being a guy who was allowed to punch a woman, Angela Carini of Italy, in the nose. This happened 46 seconds into their match and Carini promptly pulled a Roberto Duran, saying she'd had enough and, well, "No mas."

This immediately got the transphobic crowd revved up, including Indiana's own halfwit attorney general, Performance Art Todd Rokita. Performance Art was outraged -- outraged, I say -- that the WOKE LIBERAL INSANITY of the International Olympic Committee let a "dude" beat up a girl.

"Look at the video," he posted on social media. "That's a male."

Well, um, actually, Todd-o, no.

Actually, Khelif is a biological female with an XY chromosome, which is rare but occasionally happens. She's been boxing for several years without everyone getting their panties in a bunch; she competed in the Tokyo Olympics three years ago and lost in the quarterfinals without all the caterwauling. It is true che was barred from competing in an event sponsored by the International Boxing Association because she, and a boxer from Taiwan, were determined to have "advantages" of a genetic nature -- i.e., the aforementioned chromosome. This was not the same thing as saying she was a biological male, which, again, she isn't.

The IOC, it turns out, has its own testing procedures which every athlete has to pass. Khelif passed, just as she did in Tokyo in 2021. It's why Algeria let her compete in the first place, Algeria being a nation that looks upon transgenders about as favorably as Spluttering Outrage Todd does.

If Khelif were a transgender, she wouldn't be representing Algeria in Paris. In fact, she might not even be in Algeria, considering it forbids identifying as transgender. 

Yet Algerian athletic officials have backed her to the hilt. Go figure.

And Carini has discounted reports that she quit in protest over men competing against women.

And I doubt seriously any of this will clear up all the misconceptions and outright BS that sprout like velvet leaf every time the outrage crowd gets its feathers ruffled.

I mean, come on. It's a new day. They gotta have something.

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