Monday, August 19, 2024

Answer man

 The New York Yankees and Detroit Tigers came to Williamsport, Pa., Sunday to show the Little Leaguers how it's done -- or, as the Blob prefers to think of it, to pick up some pointers from the kids about hitting the cutoff man, moving the runner along, all that fundamental junk.

(It being the Blob's long-held opinion that the kids in the Little League World Series are better at the fundamental junk than the pros. This is because the pros are all about strikeouts and home runs and launch angles and such.)

Anyway, the Little League Classic is always a fun deal, a huge nostalgia rush for the big-leaguers and a way for the generations to commune over their shared touchstone for one sweet throwback weekend. It's a day when the grownups are reminded that theirs is still a kid's game at heart, and the kids are reminded that what they love about it will stay with them long after they're no longer kids.

As for the Little League Classic, the Tigers beat the Yanks 3-2 on a walk-off hit. Not bad. But even better was what Beau Brieske of the Tigers said on the LLC broadcast.

It was a taped bit in which the big-leaguers were submitted questions about non-baseball topics, like their favorite foods and what-not. One of the questions was who they'd like to meet if they could meet anyone, and Brieske gave this answer:

One person I would love to meet: Abraham Lincoln. I'd just like to pick his brain, to be quite honest.

And then: That sounds bad now that I say it.

Judging by the social media posts about this, more than a few people thought that was cringe. The Blob, however, gives Brieske high marks for trying to be educational for all those impressionable young minds; Lincoln did die from a bullet to the brain, after all, and Brieske sort of acknowledged that. So thumbs up.

Also, not being over-served with the offended virus, I thought it was hilarious in an endearing sort of way.

Oh, come on. It was.

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