Friday, January 8, 2021

Analogies, and other stuff

 The rats are finally leaping overboard, and pardon the Blob for thinking mean thoughts about that. Something about hoping there's a national shortage of lifejackets, and also that the rats have forgotten how to swim.

But it's hard to summon much charity for people who cheered mightily for Our Completely Nutso Only Available President when he was steering the Titanic into the iceberg, and now are suddenly appalled at how cold the water is.

So Elaine Chao is gone and Mick Mulvaney is gone and the Edukashun secretary, Betsy DeVos, is gone, saying the President of the United States has just gone too far this time. After four years of enabling a lunatic, they're shocked -- shocked, I tell you! -- by the fact that, oh my God, THIS MAN REALLY IS CRAZY.

You could feel only a rich disdain for that if there also weren't a kernel of hope in it.

The Blob's position is that Wednesday's attack on American democracy was both the high-water mark and beginning of the end of Trumpism as a political force in America, and it's possible that's my inner Pollyanna talking. But when even the suckiest of suck-ups are suddenly fleeing from Trump like Jason Voorhees is after them with a chainsaw, it at least suggests some political Rubicon has been crossed. 

It suggests, to me anyway, that after Trump has been stripped of his presidential bully pulpit for awhile, his hold over the Republican party will have been greatly diminished. There will still be a healthy complement of Q-Aninnies in Congress, but they'll have been reduced to the drooling curiosities they always should have been.

I  know, I know. I should stick to sports -- where hope springs eternal, even if you're an IU basketball fan hoping your Hoosiers learn how to make threes one of these days.

Speaking of sports  ...

Time for a screeching 45-degree turn.

This involves those Cabinet rats floundering in the icy water, and how often in America we resort to sports analogies to explain what nothing else can as clearly explain. That happened in the Magic Twitterverse today, when some wag tweeted that all these folks jumping overboard with two weeks left was "like 3-5 LSU self-imposing a bowl ban."

As usual with most sports analogies, that hits it right on the screws. And it inspires the Blob to conjure up a few others:

All these Cabinet creatures deserting at the 11th hour is ...

1. Like Coach "Leave No Witnesses" Kittenstrangler, who once delighted in beating weaker teams 76-3, invoking the mercy rule with his own team down 76-3 in the fourth quarter.

2. Like  Coach Kittenstrangler, seeing all he's got coming from the JV are two 150-pound tackles and halfback Merle "Glacier Foot" Derpy, abruptly retiring to "spend more time with my family."

3. Like the school administration, having seen Merle "Glacier Foot" Derpy run, deciding to drop football because "the concussion issue has just made it too dangerous for our children."

4. Like the administration then kicking Glacier Foot off the non-existent team for "that armed robbery thing" which "set a bad example for our children once we started losing games 76-3."

5. Like Tom Brady leaving the Patriots once they weren't good anymore.

Oh, wait. That actually happened.

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