Monday, December 10, 2018

The kooks are loose

Look, I don't know. Maybe they're spiking those water bottles on NBA sidelines with fluoride or something.

But that would be a conspiracy theory, too (one of the John Birch Society's favorites), and the Blob is not going down that road. Too many folks in the NBA -- aka, the National "By Jove, Look, Elvis Is On The Grassy Knoll" Association -- have already preceded me, to the point where the Bats**t Conspiracy Highway is now eight lanes wide and growing. So let's just put it down to the current zeitgeist of the nation, in which Fox "News", Infowars kook Alex Jones and the Birther in Chief himself, Donald J. Trump, are continually spinning fantastical tales.

And so here came Kyrie Irving of the Celtics, telling us the Earth was flat before kinda-sorta admitting he was kidding. And now comes Golden State star Steph Curry, who said on a podcast the other day he doesn't believe humans ever landed on the moon.

This is a popular meme these days, fueled by several sketchy documentaries. They raise a lot of questions, but they never answer the question no conspiracy theorist ever answers.

Which is, given the thousands of people involved in the space program's moon landing push, how come not a single person of merit ever 'fessed up to faking the whole thing?  All those people, and not one said, "Yeah, it was B.S."? In half a century? In a country where no one can keep a secret for five minutes, especially in the age of social media?

And what would have been the purpose to stage such an elaborate hoax, anyway? Just to hang onto funding for a mission that was never going to happen anyway?

Yeesh. Look, I don't know. Maybe Steph has just watched this too many times.

Which, you notice, starred O.J.

Speaking of a guy making stuff up.

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