Monday, September 25, 2017

America the deaf, Part Deux

In which some knelt with their heads bowed in an attitude of prayer. In which at least one knelt with his hand over his heart. In which they linked arms, not just players but in some cases even owners, hypocrites though those owners may be.

This is what happens when an American president who doesn't understand America, and who is himself the rankest of hypocrites, trashes an entire group of Americans, most of them black. This is what happens when a man who wouldn't stand up for the flag when it was his turn to do so says those Americans, most of them black, should be fired for not standing up for the flag.

Even though there was nothing remotely disrespectful about what those Americans did. Even though some were bowing their heads and holding their hands over their hearts as they knelt, and not spitting on the flag or screaming obscenities or doing anything that actually would be disrespectful.

If Donald J. Trump, the American president, thought he was going to intimidate anyone by so crudely missing the point with his ugly rant against NFL players, he grossly miscalculated. If he thought he could play the bully by calling those players, mostly black, SOBs (a term he didn't even apply to white supremacists and other true haters of America), he couldn't have been more wrong.

All he did was bind players and owners and even the hypocrite of all hypocrites, Roger Goodell, as nothing else could have. All he did was strengthen their resolve about an issue -- racial injustice -- this American president doesn't recognize as legitimate for reasons that should be obvious by now.

Nice goin', Donny. That sure worked.

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