Saturday, July 20, 2024

A little discretion, please

 The Blob tries not to overtly venture into politics too often, and that's not because it doesn't care about such matters. It's because the Blob is extremely yahoo averse. 

It's especially averse to the yahoos who always say "Stick to sports!" when the Blob does  venture into politics, overtly or otherwise. Those people are the worst. Also they're not very original, because that's what they say every time a sports person ventures away from the playground.

Today, however, I will risk their unoriginality.

That's because I checked in on some of the news from the WNBA All-Star weekend, and I noticed Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese -- the two sensational rookies America is desperately trying to turn into blood enemies -- were making extremely nice. Both were saying how great it was to be representing the WNBA against the U.S. women's national team, and also how much fun teaming up will be.

Which got me to thinking about all the Democratic congress critters publicly calling for President Biden to step aside and let someone else have a crack at Donald Trump. Someone who, you know, isn't one gaffe away from spending his days watching Turner Classic Movies at the Tapioca Acres Home For The Aged.

(As so many seem to think Biden is.)

Anyway, it occurred to me these Dems aren't nearly as savvy as Clark and Reese, which while unsurprising does not speak well for them. In fact, the plain unvarnished truth is publicly calling for Joe to stand aside just makes them look like grandstanding jerkwads. And that for sure is a bad look for the Democratic party, which frequently resembles an unmade bed but usually isn't quite this stupid about it.

(A disclaimer: This notion is not original with me. One of my high school classmates, Ken Morris, made roughly the same point on a social media platform the other day. And he's absolutely right.)

He's right, because publicly calling for your nominal party leader to get the hell out of the way not only leaves the impression you're a bunch of backstabbing ne'er-do-wells, it leaves the impression your party is in panicked disarray with November little more than three months away. And if this election like most elections will be decided by the undecideds, that's no way to win them over to your side.

Yeah, that Trump, he's Training Wheels Mussolini. But, geez, the Dems look like the Training Wheels Roman Senate on the Ides of March. Et tu, Sherrod Brown?

Or, you know, Adam Schiff, Jon Tester, a pile of others. 

This is not to say Biden shouldn't step aside, for the good of the country. He should. But publicly calling for his head is not the way to do it. The way to do it, for anyone with an ounce of political smarts, is to do it on the quiet. That way you can make it look like Joe's idea, and you can thank him for his long commitment to public service without sounding completely phony.

Look, I get it. These are the Democrats we're talking about. Dishevelment is and always has been a cherished tradition. As Will Rogers once famously said: "I am not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat."

But there's disorganized, and then there's just plain clueless. You don't have to be both.

I mean, ambition does have its limits. Doesn't it?

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