Thursday, June 6, 2024

Politician to the rescue!

 James "Jim" "Jimbo" Banks, the Trump sock puppet who represents Indiana's 3rd District in Congress, is running to replace Mike Braun as one of our state's two senators. This explains a few things.

Mostly, it explains him inserting himself into stuff that's none of his business, and about which he knows next to nothing.

It seems "Jim" "Jimbo" saw the Cheap Shot Heard 'Round The World from Chicago the other day, when Chicago Sky guard Chennedy Carter knocked Indiana Fever rookie sensation Caitlin Clark to the floor with a dead-ball, blindside body block.  This provoked days of bloviation (Mea culpa: The Blob was one of the bloviators) about Clark being targeted by opponents jealous of Caitlin Mania, and whether or not one reason everyone's gone bonkers about her is because she's white and straight and not black and gay.

There's probably some truth to that, as the Blob has noted. Some.

In any case, this led to the assumption that Clark being roughed up is a racial thing -- which likely also has some truth to it, though not as much as is suggested by the narrative the always issue-hungry media seems to be pushing. 

And speaking of the always issue-hungry among us ...

Enter James "Jim" "Jimbo" Banks!

Who decided the other day this was an issue with some meat on its bones, and so he fired off a letter to the WNBA office, demanding an explanation for why the league isn't protecting poor Caitlin, who after all has brought goo-gobs of attention to said league. The stench of paternalism in this bothered "Jim" "Jimbo" not at all, of course. Nor did the arrogance of his assumption that as a Very Important Hoosier, it's his job to protect Hoosiers from basketball goonery and such.

Even Hoosiers from, you know, Iowa. And even though this particular Hoosier from Iowa didn't ask, and hasn't asked for, any protection -- let alone protection from a  politician who's just trying to harvest votes.

Now, I don't know what Clark thinks of Banks' little stunt. Wise in the ways of the media, publicly she'd probably say something cushiony like, gee, I appreciate the gesture, Rep. Banks. But I have to think an athlete as fiercely competitive as she is must be privately rolling her eyes and saying, "Stay in your lane, 'Jim' 'Jimbo.' I got this."

And I have to think she does.

Or at least, she does enough not to need an unsolicited got-your-back from some politician who doesn't know a microbe's worth of what she knows about basketball.

Stay in your lane. Good advice.

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