Saturday, September 17, 2022

What football will never redeem

 Brett Favre is in a heap of trouble, and not the kind he used to turn into miracles during his improvisational gunslinger period. He's in the kind of trouble that lands a man in the Graybar Hilton.

What accumulating evidence suggests, see, is that he got a former governor of Mississippi to divert state welfare money into Favre's pocket to help build a new volleyball center at his alma mater, the University of Southern Mississippi. It also happens to be where his daughter played, yep, volleyball.

This is misappropriation of funds on an arrogantly brazen level, and frankly revolting besides. It reveals not only a lack of respect for the law on the part of both Favre and the former guv, Phil Bryant; it reveals a lack of basic human decency as well.

One only hopes both wind up with a good long time to contemplate that in cell block D.

One also hopes that, once and for all, no one ever again confuses athletic prowess for virtue again. Most of us were disabused of that notion long ago, but the people who bring us our games (and not-so-subtly shill for them) continually pound that drum.

 Just look at Favre make chicken salad out of chicken doo-doo again! And, you know, he's a great guy, too, visits sick kids in the hospital, donates his time to a whole pile of worthy causes! Why, just look at the new volleyball center he helped build at his alma mater, Southern Miss. How's THAT for giving back?

That sort of thing.

But the tally is in and the results overwhelmingly suggest Favre is simply a bad guy, no matter how many scrapes he got the Packers out of. We already knew he was a disgusting perv who sexually harassed a New York Jets sideline reporter, Jenn Sterger, with lewd texts. Now, apparently, more texts have incriminated him as a straight-up thief besides.

A cannon arm and all the sleight-of-hand football heroics in creation will never redeem that. As has been made obvious yet again.

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