Saturday, August 6, 2022

Your Saudi Butchers Tour moment for today

 So, according to Deadspin, one of golf's alltime hucksters tried to huckster his way into some of the LIV Tour blood money, but tour commandante Greg Norman said no.

"I begged Greg Norman to let me be on the LIV tour," John Daly confessed on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

John Daly, for heaven's sake! The fast buck artist from whose knee all other fast buck artists have learned! 

Why, the Saudi Butchers Tour is made for him. It's almost as if he invented it. "Come play for our tainted dough, boys! You won't even have to work for it! We'll give you a wad just for showing up, and then it's 54-hole exhibition city! Why, you can kick the ball around like Pele, and you'll still walk away with some hella folding green!"

Does that not sound like John Daly's very alley?

But, nah. Guess Norman wasn't inclined to bring in someone THAT baldly on the make. It might expose all the other LIV guys as, you know, guys on the make. Gotta preserve the illusion, after all, that this is a legit tour where true professionals who aren't just in it for the money or anything play legit competitive golf.

Poor Daly. If only facades were his thing.

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