Thursday, August 11, 2022

Field of memes

 The Reds and Cubs play the MLB Field of Dreams game out there in Iowa tonight, so right off the Blob lapses into irreverence. The place itself is no longer so much a Field of Dreams as it is a Field of Schemes, a reverent tribute to baseball turned tourist trap in the traditional American way. So why not irreverence?

And so I imagine old "Baseball Has Marked The Time" Terrence Mann re-emerging from the corn, saying "Well, I'm never doing THAT again."

And because it's the Cubs and the Reds. here come Frank Chance and Joe Morgan, saying "Man, do these guys suck now."

"Even worse than we did," agrees Andy Pafko, from a couple rows of corn over.

"Yeah, we never lost a game in '69," adds old George Wright, star of the original Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1860s fame. "These mutts have lost 66 and it's only August! Dead last in their, whatchcallit, division!"

There's a rustle from several rows, and the College of Coaches emerges, still squabbling over strategy after all these years.

Another rustle, and here comes Ted Kluszewski, scowling darkly.

"I hate it in there," he grumbles. "They made me put sleeves back on."

Gametime draws near. Morgan and Pete Rose, who's somehow weaseled his way onto the grounds, have a catch in the gloaming. Ron Santo and Don Young try to, but Young keeps dropping the ball. 

"Just like 1969!” Santo gripes.

Now it's time for the current Cubs and the current Reds to take the field. The ghosts begin drifting back toward the corn. A sweet little breeze whispers through the ripening stalks, making them nod in seeming assent -- a curious sight, because there's no breeze at all this night.

Turns out it's Shoeless Joe and Christy Mathewson and a bunch of others, dragging a cursing, spitting figure through the rows.

"We're gonna make Cobb watch these bums!" they crow.

And so they do.

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