Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tebow ti--

 ... which, in case you need a translation, means "Tebow time" getting cut off in mid-time.

Comes now the word from Jacksonville that Urban Meyer, Tim Tebow's old college coach, has released him, after Meyer's experiment trying Tebow as a tight end failed like Fyre Fest.

In other words, it was simply embarrassing watching him the other night. Particularly when he tried to block people. 

Turns out he was too old, too light and too slow to get it done. And so, this being pro football, where no one keeps guys around just because they're good guys and old friends, Meyer had no choice but to show the man the road.

Too old. Too light. Too slow.

Hmm. That sounds familiar ... 

 Again, it's the NFL. Sentiment goes to die there. If Tebow is too old, too light and too slow to do everything NFL tight ends are asked to do these days, he'll get cut in training camp. Not even his old college coach is going to keep a guy around who can't help him.

And if that happens (and the odds are pretty good it will) ...

Gee. Who said that?

Oh, yeah. Me.

The Blob said that back in May, when yapping poodles all over sports-talk world were doing what they do best, which is whipping up phony outrage. This was a joke, they all said. It was a publicity stunt. Why Tim Tebow was going to STEAL SOMEBODY'S JOB!

To which the Blob said, oh, horse pucky. It saw this going almost exactly how it went, which was no particular feat of insight. Anyone who knows how the NFL operates and had one eye open could see it coming from miles off.

So the Blob takes no bows here for being wise and all-seeing. Much as it would like to.

1 comment:

  1. The Blob should be endorsing Tebow to the Lions. Dan Campbell, his 9 Starbucks, breaking kneecaps, and Tebow sounds like a match made in heaven to me.
