Thursday, May 6, 2021

Mr. Irving's world

Hey, I don't think Kyrie Irving is all that crazy. For all I know I could be a pawn.

Or "Pawn," as Kyrie characterized the ladies and gentlemen of the sporting media, of which I was a dues-paying member for nearly 40 years.

He said this in training camp back in December after being fined $25,000 for violating the NBA's rules about media access, something Kyrie does on a periodic basis. Most recently it happened Tuesday night, when he refused to make himself available to the media after Irving's Nets lost to Milwaukee.

For that the NBA dinged him another $35,000.

That's not what got my attention though.

What got my attention is what he said in December, which could reasonably lead reasonable people to conclude Kyrie is nuttier than a Payday.

"(I am) here for Peace, Love and Greatness," he wrote on Instagram. "So stop distracting me and my team, and appreciate the Art. We move different over here.

"I do not talk to Pawns. My attention is worth more."

The Blob's reaction: It could have been worse. He could have deemed the sporting media Peons or Serfs. 

Pawns ... well, OK, fine. I never thought of myself as anyone's pawn (or Pawn), but if I was, I at least hope I was a poisoned Pawn to the right people -- the crooks, charlatans, nitwits and sociopaths you occasionally encounter when you decide Sportsball Reporter is a better career move than, say, Wall Street Visigoth.

The former does have its moments, even when the occasional Kyrie Irving washes up on your shore.  Remember the whole Flat Earth Society thing? The Moon Landing Was Faked thing? The accompanying Every Photo Of Earth Is Faked thing?

Sure you do. And now?

Now Kyrie has apparently moved on to a higher plane than the rest of us.

He's here for Peace, Love and Greatness, y'all. He and his teammates move differently than mere mortals. Our job is simply to appreciate the Art, and not distract his valuable attention with our mundane earthly matters.

"But Mr. Blob," you're saying now. "Isn't Kyrie also a clearly intelligent man, aside from the intermittent forays into full-metal-jacket crazy? Isn't it possible he's just someone who thinks more deeply about the world than most of us, and therefore sees it from a different angle?"

Well, yes. I suppose that could be true.

But what a Pawn-y thing to say.

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