Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Your Old Man Shouting moment for today

The Blob keeps a chamber warm in its heart for geezers who shake their bony fists and shout at clouds, because more and more the Blob is one of them. So here's to Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski this morning, that tottery old buzzard.

He's 72 now, and last night he acted his age in that den of iniquity known as Cameron Indoor Arena. Suddenly he started shouting at the Cameron Crazies, telling all those trust-fund Colbys and Wheaton IVs to "Shut up!" That's because, geezer-like, he thought he heard them chanting something they weren't.

What they were chanting was "Jeff Capel, sit with us," which was directed at the Pittsburgh coach (and former Dukie player and assistant), and was actually sort of sweet when you consider the verbal abuse the Cameron Crazies usually shower on opponents.

Alas, tottery old Coach K apparently heard something else. So he started yelling "Shut up!" and "He is one of us!" and shaking his bony fist at his own student section, at least symbolically.

Later, a bit sheepishly, he admitted he, uh, might not have heard right.

"I don't know if I made a mistake on that," he said.

And also: "We got a different look at what the hell was going on. I thought it was something personal ... I apologize to the students for that."

Of course, then he went on to grump, in splendid old-coot fashion: "You shouldn't say that ... in the middle of the first half and an ACC game, this isn't a cutesy little thing. Let's think of a different cheer -- like 'Defense!'"

Well, sure. In his day, dammit, students chanted stuff like "Defense!" and "RE-bound that bas-ket-ball!" and "Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar! All for Coach K, stand up and holler!" They didn't chant cutesy little things, not in the middle of a game, for heaven's sake, even if that's what the Crazies are famous for doing.

Consarn those dang kids, anyway. Next thing you know, they'll be traipsing right across his lawn.

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