Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Your stupid baseball injury of the week

One of the great mysteries of the cosmos, other than why you always get stuck behind the goober driving 40 miles per hour on a two-lane highway, is what it is about baseball that attracts master-class klutzes.

("That's not one of the great mysteries of the cosmos!" you're saying).

("Do you people have to dispute everything?" is the Blob response).

Anyway ... for some reason, highly skilled athletes of the baseball variety forever seem to be getting hurt in ways ordinary human beings never do. They always seem to be getting eaten alive by infield tarps or slicing open fingers washing dishes or rupturing their spleens while shoveling snow off their driveways.

(All of which have actually happened. See: Vince Coleman, Ian Kennedy, Carl Pavano).

In the grand tradition of all that, therefore, and in honor of spring training starting up this week, we offer this week's Stupid Baseball Injury.

Come on down, Daisuke Matsuzaka!

The former major league pitcher is 38 now and pitches for the Chunichi Dragons in his native Japan, but he can hurt himself with the best of them. And that's what he did the other day when he was diagnosed with inflammation in his throwing arm because a fan grabbed his pitching arm during a spring training meet-and-greet in Okinawa.

Welcome to the club, Daisuke!

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