Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ownin' it, or not

  Look, the Blob knows all you Blobophiles (we're up to three now!) know it has some experience with rotten team owners. But at least the guy who owns my Pittsburgh Cruds is only your standard greedy rich guy, and not, you know, a crook and a skeeve.

Which is more and more what Daniel Snyder of the Washington Commanders looks like these days.

It's not enough that his organization is a misogynistic den of iniquity that pimped out its cheerleaders to wealthy supporters and engaged in rampant sexual harassment. That's standard procedure in the Nash-unal FOOT-ball League, no matter what kind of hot air league officials blow about respectin' wimmen and such.

But now?

Now the feds are after Snyder's operation for blatantly ripping off its own fans.

Last week Congress told the Federal Trade Commission there are serious allegations of shenanigans within the Commanders' ticket office, specifically holding onto security deposit money owed to season ticketholders. Now the D.C. attorney general is looking into the allegations, promising to drop the hammer if the Commanders indeed are breaking the law.

Which brings us, speaking of hammers, to NFL commissioner Roger "The Hammer" Goodell -- who consistently brings the pain when the players get out of line, but is the perfect toady for the owners.

He serves at their pleasure, sure, but at some point you'd hope he'd behave like a real commissioner. He flaps his gums a lot about protecting the integrity of the league, but he's been predictably mealy-mouthed about Snyder and his cabal. By now it should be perfectly obvious that Snyder's continued ownership of the Commanders has become an integrity-of-the-league issue, and Goodell needs to say so publicly. 

He needs to own this particular owner, in other words. He needs to say -- publicly -- that it's high time for Snyder either to sell his team or get voted out of the owners club.

"But, Mr. Blob," you're saying. "He can't say that. If he did it without an OK from the owners, wouldn't the owners run him out on a rail?"

Well, yeah. That's a definite possibility. 

But at least he'd go out on his feet.

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