Monday, April 18, 2022

Eternal madness

 It's all so random, the things that catch your eye these days.

Information overload -- or misinformation, propaganda and straight-up bullstuff overload, if we're telling the truth of it -- comes at us so fast no human brain can process it. And so when the crazy whirl of stuff spits out something upon which we fasten, it can't help being random.

For instance: Until this morning I'd never heard of a young woman named Aaliyah Gayles.

But I was scanning one of my usual sites and an item jumped out at me, and it was about Aaliyah Gayles. Seems she was at a party in her hometown Las Vegas, and a fight broke out, and of course guns became involved, because America. And Aaliyah Gayles was shot multiple times.

Turns out she's a pretty fair basketball player. 

Turns out she's the No. 8 recruit in the high school class of 2022, a point guard from Spring Valley High School who just played in the McDonald's All-American Classic. She's headed for USC this fall on a basketball ride.

Sunday morning, though, she was undergoing multiple surgeries for her multiple gunshot wounds. Because, again, America.

Land of the free. Home of the brave. World capital of Shooting People For No Particular Reason, Except I've Got This Gun Here.

Gun. Or, guns, plural. Usually the latter.

Look. The Blob has preached about our sick obsession with firearms enough. It's now officially waving the white flag. We want a shooting gallery for a country, have at it.

 Be the first on your block to turn your block into the OK Corral. Arm yourself like the 82nd Airborne and then holler about how they're coming to take your guns. Go ahead and think what happened to Ailyah Gayles over the weekend is perfectly normal.

After all, our muckety-mucks sure seem to think so.

Just a week or so ago, for instance, the Indiana lege voted to free its citizenry from the tyranny of gun permits. God knows they were a such a massive infringement on our God-given Second Amendment rights.  

Meanwhile I open up the Indianapolis Star's feed practically every day, and practically every day lately there's a story about another shooting somewhere in the city. I mean almost literally every day.

This doesn't happen in a civilized country. A talented young woman, in a civilized country, doesn't go to a party with her friends and wind up getting shot multiple times. 

Of course, this isn't a civilized country. 

This is America.

God bless it. For sure God needs to.

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