Thursday, April 21, 2022

Misery, meet company

 So I'm checking out the National League baseball standings this morning, and, hey, look at this!

My Pittsburgh Cruds are NOT the worst team in baseball. Why, they're not even the worst team in their own division!

The Cruds are sailing along at 5-7 so far this April, which is America's Cup level sailing for them. Meanwhile, the Cincinnati Reds are 2-11 and have sublet the Cruds' usual abode, the Central Division cellar.

This is, of course, exactly what the Reds owners deserve, after team president Phil Castellini -- son of principal owner Bob -- said a lot of dumb stuff on the day of the Reds home opener. Basically he said out loud what a lot of these rich guys likely say in private, which is that the fans are a pain in the ass and if they don't quit griping about what a bunch of money-grubbing greedheads the rich guys are, well, neener-neener-neener. How 'bout we take our team elsewhere, then?

"You'll get nothing and like it!" Castellini said in so many words, channeling his inner Judge Smails.

So far, nothing is exactly what Reds fans have gotten. Which means a little momentary cover for the even cheaper cheapskate who owns my Cruds.

Right now, the Cruds are three whole games out of last place. Let the Battle for the Cellar commence.

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