Saturday, November 6, 2021

A flat earther grows in Green Bay

 In which Aaron Rodgers says he's not something, and then says a bunch of stuff that confirms he's exactly what he said he wasn't.

"I'm not an anti-vaxx flat-earther," declared Q-Aaron (hat tip: Grace McDermott of Deadspin) on Pat McAfee's radio show yesterday.

Then he said he's un-vaccinated in part because he's a-feared it will make him sterile, and said the "woke mob" (huh?)  will be after him now, and said -- oh, lord -- he did his own VERY THOROUGH research on the internet, and also got VALUABLE MEDICAL ADVICE from Joe Rogan, Ace Podcaster.

And, well, there it is: The whole flat-earther, anti-vaxx catechism, right down to whining about how the unvaccinated are being "canceled" (huh?) by the media, and questioning if  the vaccine even works because people are still getting the Bastard Plague anyway -- which only proves he doesn't know how vaccines work.

Why, he even quoted Martin Luther King Jr. Because, you know, there's nothing rich white guys like better than to pretend they're fighting for civil rights like MLK simply because they're being asked to follow the rules.

Well, Rodgers ain't havin' it. He'll keep treating himself with Ivermectin, even though there's zero evidence it's effective against the Bastard Plague, and is nothing but metaphoric kin to the snake oil Allardyce T. Merriweather hawked in "Little Big Man."

(I know, I reference "Little Big Man" a lot here on the Blob. This is because I like "Little Big Man", and believe it contains valuable life lessons, like don't go around bragging about how many men you've killed when all you can do is shoot three bottles throwed in the air.)

But back to Rodgers.

He'll keep taking Ivermectin, because he believes people hate it only because Donald Trump -- now there's a snake-oil salesman -- endorsed it. He'll remain unvaccinated no matter what the "woke mob" (again, huh?) has to say about it.

And that's fine.

That's fine, because it's a free country, and you're allowed to be as kooky as you want, which is pretty kooky these days. And if it's true Aaron Rodgers really is allergic to an element in the vaccine, then he shouldn't take it. 

But if that's true, why didn't he say so when he was asked point-blank about his vaccination status, instead offering a lame explanation yesterday for why he didn't? Why did he hide behind the deceptive word "immunized"? And why did he play the diva by ignoring league protocols for the unvaccinated, instead of complaining he's being persecuted because he's rightly been criticized for that?

You shouldn't have to tell a 37-year-old man to grow up. But, geez, Aaron, grow up.

If you want to don a tinfoil hat like the rest of the Trumpian nutbars, have at it. But don't quote MLK at us when people point at you and laugh.

This is some serious business here, this Bastard Plague. Almost a million Americans are dead because of it. Entertaining fringe lunacies and potentially exposing those around you to the bug is not behavior the rest of us should be compelled to indulge uncritically. 

So we won't. No matter how much Aaron Rodgers martyrs himself.

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