Saturday, June 13, 2020

The problem with all this

We'd all like this to be over.  We would, right?

We're tired of masks, tired of hand sanitizer, tired of social distancing. We're tired of being cautious -- or incautious in the case of those whose patience is on E while their dipshittery is on F.

We're Americans. We're spoiled. We want to do what we want when we want, and we'll scream "Tyranny!" at the top of our voices if we don't get it.

Which must be uproariously funny to those in the world who actually suffer real tyranny.

In any case, we'd all like to be like Our Only Available Impeached President, who's retreated into a Pretend World in which the Bastard Plague has been vanquished. Declare victory and go home, that's his play. COVID-19? It's gone! It's over! It's yesterday's Fake News!


Except it's not.

Not gone. Not over. Not any day's Fake News.

America may be opening up again, but the Bastard Plague is, too. There are spikes everywhere now, hospital wards filling up again, healthcare resources stretched to the breaking point again. And that's especially true in states that re-opened earlier and more cavalierly than others.

Case in point: Texas.

Which is now seeing COVID-19 make a comeback, predictably. And which is home to the University of Houston, where voluntary workouts for its student-athletes have been suspended after six of them in various sports tested positive for the virus.

Houston, it should be noted, is one of the places in Texas that has seen a recent uptick in positive tests.

And therein lies the problem.

It's all well and good to declare victory, and to open the gates to college campuses again (in a lot of cases, primarily to benefit the athletics cash cow), and to move ahead with resuming play in our professional sports. But more and more this looks divorced from reality. It's pretending the Plague has dissipated when the numbers increasingly indicate otherwise.

And so we can look forward to the NBA launching its Weird Thrown-Together Thing, and then shutting it down when the positive tests start showing up. We can look forward to more Houstons on our college campuses. And we can pretty much bank on the Indianapolis 500 getting shoved back to October, because the recent surge in COVID-19 cases makes a full house on August 23 seem far more iffy than Speedway officials are willing to admit.

For now, they remain cheerily optimistic. And damn your numbers.

Our Only Available Impeached President, meanwhile, is pushing ahead with his rally in Tulsa, Okla., and he wants a full house, by God.  He wants people sitting, and standing, elbow-to-elbow. Because COVID-19 is over, remember?

Which doesn't explain why Trumpies wishing to attend the rally will be required to sign a waiver absolving the Trump campaign of liability should any of them contract COVID-19.

Only the occupants of Pretend World could untangle the cognitive dissonance there. But then that's how Pretend World works.

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