Saturday, June 6, 2020

A cuppa mea culpa

I don't know how the man contains himself, honestly. Or maybe he doesn't.

Maybe Colin Kaepernick already has run into the street in these Days of Rage And Pandering, raised his eyes to the heavens and screamed "Gaaaaahhh!" at the uncaring sky.

First the Vice-President of the United States says, why, sure, we'll always support the right of Americans to peacefully protest, hoping we'd forget the way he stormed out of a Colts game over a peaceful protest.

Then Drew Brees, for God's sake, says he'll never agree with anyone who disrespects the flag, and then Our Only Available Impeached President says he shouldn't have apologized for Defending The Flag -- even though Brees knows FULL WELL well the kneeling thing Kaepernick started wasn't about disrespecting the flag, and OOAIP probably does too but makes it about that because he doesn't want to confront what the kneeling was about.

And now, boys and girls?

Now NFL czar Roger Goodell, who stood by and let OOAIP call his players (including  Kaepernick) "sons-of-bitches," says, gosh darn it, we were wrong not to listen to those players when all the kneeling was going on.

Well, gee, Rog. Way to take a stand there.

Way to wet your finger, hold it up, and determine how the wind is blowing. And then say you stand with your players because, well, it's safe to do so now. Oh, and Rog?

I think the horse went that way after it left the barn.

Doing what's right when it's popular, see, never carries the moral weight of doing it when it's unpopular, the way Kaepernick and the other players Goodell refused to defend did. And so saying now, long after the fact, that the NFL was wrong not to listen to them wins you no points. It only makes you look like the rank opportunists you are.

Over there, Rog. I think I saw the horse over there.

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