Friday, March 29, 2024

Lunacy unbound

 Poor old Gonzaga. Here's hoping the Bulldogs have their green cards in order.

And, no, not because Purdue could expose them tonight as a bunch of ILLEGAL INVADERS from, I don't know, Gonzagia, maybe, infecting America like PARASITES and VERMIN. As a certain ranting demagogue likes telling his deranged true believers these days when he's in 1930s Germany mode.

"The hell are you talking about, Mr. Blob?" you're saying now, with some justification.

I'm talking about a certain foot soldier in the ranting demagogue's army, Michigan loon Pete Hoekstra, who tweeted  a photo of Gonzaga's basketball team de-boarding a plane in Detroit with this notation: "Happening right now. Three busses (sic) just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro. Anyone have any idea where they're headed with their police escort?"

Um, well, Paranoid Pete, my guess is the team hotel. But then I'm not a BATSHITE CRAZY NUTBAR like you and your ilk.

The Blob generally tries to refrain from generalizations, but it's tough to do when you hear the foaming-at-the-mouth hysteria coming from the increasingly unhinged right these days. And so I'll just go ahead and say that an element of that hysteria, particularly where the southern border is concerned, clearly is racist in nature.

Omigod look at all these awful brown people swarming our border, speaking their dirty foreign language, raping and murdering our (white) daughters ...

Maybe that's not the perception they mean to create, to give them more credit than they likely deserve. But it sure comes off that way when Fearless Leader uses loaded words like "vermin" and "invaders" and "parasites" to describe people who, for the most part, are merely desperate to escape poverty and/or violence in their native countries.

Do some of them have criminal records? Sure. Are some of them bad people intent on committing bad acts? No doubt. Are they overwhelming available security along some parts of the border? Certainly.

But would they be so obviously characterized as subhuman if they were, say, white Europeans?

Well ...

Look. I'm not trying to start a whole thing here. I'm just pointing out how, um, interesting it is that Pete Hoekstra saw several people of color boarding a bus and immediately assumed they were "illegal invaders" imported by the Democrats to bring down America and vote for Democrats -- even though as "illegal invaders", they couldn't do so.

Something to think about.

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