Saturday, February 19, 2022

A wrong Lefty turn

 Hey, I get where Phil Mickelson is coming fro--

OK, so, no. No, I don't.

I don't get why a man in the twilight of a brilliant golf career would sully it by climbing in bed with a bunch of sociopaths.

I don't get why he'd do that while acknowledging that the people he's climbing in bed with are a bunch of sociopaths.

And I especially don't get why he'd do that for what, in these precincts, doesn't sound like a good enough reason.

In case you missed it, Mickelson says he's going to link up with a proposed Super Golf League bankrolled by Saudi Arabia, that stalwart bastion of human rights. The goal, he says, is to  put "pressure" on the PGA Tour to "reshape how the PGA Tour operates."

What he means by that, essentially, is the PGA Tour makes too much money off its players and should fork over more of it, even though the players aren't exactly destitute. In fact, the Blob is hard-pressed to name any athletes who lead cushier lives than professional golfers. 

No matter. As with most things in the sporting stratospheres, this is about money. And, hey, maybe the courtesy cars aren't up to snuff, either.

In any event, Mickelson is leading the charge, as the Super Golf Tour attempts to poach some of the PGA Tour's biggest stars. At 51, Lefty probably figures he doesn't have much to lose as twilight descends on his career. 

So he's jinin' the cavalry, as they say. Even while, again, acknowledging the Saudis are some nasty folks.

"They're scary motherf***ers to get involved with," Mickelson told Alan Shipnuck, his collaborator on a new biography that will be coming out soon. "They killed (Washington Post reporter and U.S. resident Jamal) Khashoggi and have a horrible record on human rights ..."

Well, no, Phil. They didn't just kill Khashoggi. They killed him, and then they cut up his body -- discussing how they were going to do it as calmly as if they were in a boardroom somewhere.

 These are the kind of animals Mickelson is throwing in with. And the worst part is, he KNOWS what kind of animals they are. But, doggone it, somebody's gotta do something about those big meanies who run the PGA Tour, sitting as they do on too big a pile for Lefty's taste.

In other words, this is a principled stand Mickeson's taking.

And pigs fly.

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