Thursday, March 4, 2021

A brief Twilight Zone interlude

All this one needed was Rod Serling, one eyebrow hoisted, smoke curling lazily from a cigarette cradled between two fingers.

Didja hear about that thing Terry Bradshaw did?

Sure, that's a question with a multiple choice answer. I mean, the man's swim trunks once fell off while he was parasailing, leaving him buck naked 20 feet in the air on national TV. So it could be almost anything.

But I'm talking about a specific thing.

What happened was, he checked into a Louisiana hospital for surgery on his elbow. He didn't want every bozo in America to know about it, so he checked into the hospital under an assumed name.

The assumed name was "Thomas Brady."

Which just sounds like another of those goofy Terry Bradshaw things, until you learn when he did it: 1983.

In other words, 38 years ago. 

When the "Tom Brady" who would eventually become "Tom Brady" was 5-years-old.

So what do ya think? Did Terry Bradshaw have a brief flash of second sight? Had he briefly encountered a time warp that shot him from 1983 to 2021 just long enough for him to learn who Tom Brady was, and to watch him win his seventh Super Bowl?

Or was this exactly what it seems, which is a bizarre coincidence?

Right. And I suppose next you're gonna tell me Joe Biden won the election.

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