Friday, April 3, 2020

The devil gets his due

OK, so not the devil devil. That is stretching your Team Hate to absurd lengths.

The Team in question, in this case, is the New England Patriots, whom a whole lot of folks west of the Berkshires detest with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. But in this Year of the Bastard Plague, nothing is so simple anymore. This tends to happen when people get sick and people die at unfathomable rates, and what we always assumed was the invulnerability of American life turns out not to be invulnerable at all.

So it is with our what we always assumed were our invulnerable sensibilities, too.

The article of faith that our team was good and the Patriots were bad, very bad, almost as bad as the Astros, even, is looking pretty shredded right now. This upon the news that the Patriots handed over their team plane to the state of Massachusetts for a mercy mission -- i.e., flying 1.2 million N95 masks from China to Massachusetts to help battle the COVID-19 epidemic.

So the Bastard Plague comes and suddenly we can't even hate the Patriots anymore.

Of course, we could all assume this is just a nefarious plot on the part of the Patriots to make it impossible to hate them anymore. But that one really doesn't have any legs at all.

No, the narrative now is the Patriots are the good guys. Whether we like it or not.


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