(Your standard disclaimer/apology for today: Once again, for this one day, the Blob is fleeing Sportsball World. I am, once again, going off the rails ... straying from my lane .. kicking in doors to strange and alien rooms. So here's the requisite hall pass, and act accordingly.)
(And, yes, before you start, I know my latest flight is a howl into a hurricane. But ... dammit ... I just. Can't. Help myself.)
Look, I don't know this Alina Habba. Let me say that right off.
Oh, I know of her, of course. I know she's one of Donald John "Legbreaker" Trump's approximately 6,000 attorneys. I know she regularly gets her ass kicked in court. I know, or at least all available evidence suggests, that she got her law degree with either S&H Green Stamps or two boxtops from General Mills.
Here's what I also know, after the other day: I know she doesn't have a damn clue about working people. Or even who they are.
That's because a reporter asked her if she had sympathy for he thousands of people the Felon-in-Chief and his creepy hitman Elon Musk have thrown out of work, and she basically said they all had it coming.
"I really don't feel sorry for them," Habba said. "They should get back to work for the American people, like President Trump and his administration."
Then she was asked about the military veterans Trump and Apartheid Clyde have thrown out of work.
"We are going to care for them in the right way (insert 'blah-blah-blah' here), but perhaps they're not fit to have a job at the moment, or not willing to come to work," she said.
In other words: They're a bunch of lazy bums sitting around at home with their feet up drawing paychecks from YOUR TAX DOLLARS. Eatin' cheese curls and watchin' Netflix all day on YOUR DIME.
OK. Deep breath here.
Whoa. Guess I should have taken two deep breaths.
Guess I should take Alina and her scrambled brain out to Pennsylvania, where a friend of mine lost her job as park ranger in the current bloodletting before, thankfully, someone with a working synapse restored it. Or maybe I take Alina up to Massachusetts, where another friend working for another federal agency has so far escaped the axe.
Let me tell Alina, the Felon and all his like-minded minions to observe their cheese-dust fingertips and raging "Bridgerton" addictions. And then let me add this: "You might have to wait awhile."
This is because my friends, and thousands upon thousands like them, are not just sitting around Hoover-ing up your tax dollars. This is a fantasy designed to keep "hard-working Americans" angry at the wrong people, the same resentment-bait misdirection play cynical politicians have been employing since the beginning of time. Not only is it as phony as Monopoly money, it's a vile smear aimed at people who -- hello-hello -- are hard-working Americans themselves.
Or were, until the Felon and Apartheid Clyde decided they were worthless and their work was worthless.
That won't play with me, though. See, I know, because of my aforementioned friends, that the vast majority of the folks Alina and her ilk are so consciously devaluing are working their asses off -- for you, the tax-paying public. And in some cases, they've been working their asses off for decades.
It's why our national parks are the greatest monument to America we have. It's why you know when a hurricane's coming if you live on the East Coast, and why your Social Security checks arrive on time (at least for now).
It's why, at least for now, you can afford to take your sick baby to the doctor if you're literally living on cheese curls.
And what did Alina Habba say of them the other day, the mask slipping momentarily on the extremist right's usually well-disguised disdain for working folks?
They should get back to work for the American people ...
Which leaves me with one question for her.
When do you guys start doing that?