Monday, May 7, 2018

And leading the league in steals ...

Well, now. I guess this is the part where the Blob must refrain from making catty remarks about the  entitlement of some TV people.

(Although, if I weren't refraining, I'd talk about all the times some golden larynx horned his or her way into one of my interviews as if I weren't even there.)

(I'd also talk about the time a certain golden larynx cut in line in front of a bunch of sick kids so he could get his photo taken with Muhammad Ali. This after media had been asked nicely by the champ's family not to approach him. Needless to say, we were appalled. And that includes all the other TV media.)

Anyway, the point is, I will not generalize. OK, I will try not to generalize. OK, so I will mostly fail in that endeavor.

That's because when I read about a sportscaster for KGO-TV in San Francisco getting caught on a security camera stealing a jacket belonging to Ralph Walker, the Golden State Warriors’ director of team security and Steph Curry's bodyguard, I couldn't help myself. My first reaction: "A TV guy. Of course."

I'm not proud of that, mind you. Most of the TV people I know would never think of doing such a thing. But I'm just a bitter old newspaper guy, so there you go. 

In any case, let me make amends by pointing out that the sportscaster, Mike Shumann, was summarily fired by KGO despite his 24 years of service.  Hooray for them. Media in this country is getting bashed enough for doing its job these days without this sort of idiocy. I mean, Our Only Available President himself has publicly declared a free press "the enemy of the people." That's not the sort of language you generally hear outside a fascist state.

In that environment, the last thing the free press needs is for one of its own to behave like a common thief. Especially when he's been around far long enough to know better.

 And should have known, as a TV guy, that in this day and age the cameras are always on you.

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