Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meanwhile in Indianapolis, Part Deux ...

 So remember yesterday ("Vaguely," you're saying), when the Blob wondered what in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks the Indianapolis Colts were doing, and who they were going to bring in to fulfill their grand plan to scare, er, motivate Anthony Richardson into playing better?

Ask and ye shall receive ... Daniel Jones.

Whom the Colts yesterday signed to a one-year, $14-million deal, and who presumably will compete on an equal footing with AR for the starting quarterback job.

Daniel Jones, who fizzled in New York with the Giants. 

Daniel Jones, who was subsequently dumped by the aforementioned and spent the rest of last season as a five-alarm emergency backup for the Vikings.

I don't know. Maybe the Colts thought they were signing former franchise great Bert Jones. 

Or Mac Jones. Or Grandpa Jones. Or Parnelli Jones.

In any case, the Horseshoes have decided he's the guy to push AR to either greater heights or the waiver wire, and, listen, this might be a craftier move than you think. Because if you do think about it, Daniel Jones actually might be the perfect guy for his intended purpose, whatever the hell that is.

Based on his resume, he'll be good enough to make AR hear footsteps, but not good enough to steal his job.  And he'll presumably be pliant enough to go along with the scheme, because what choice does he have? It's not like there's a bull market out there for his services.

"But Mr. Blob," you're saying now. "What if it turns out he's clearly better than AR? What if he finds whatever mojo he had for awhile in New York and forces the Colts to make him their QB1, because not to would just make them look silly?"

Well ... then they're screwed.

Then they've got to admit they blew the Big Draft Pick back in 2023. Or they're condemned to yet another season of quarterback roulette.

Battle-scarred Colts fans know the drill: Daniel Jones looks great one week, or at least serviceable enough, and he's the guy. Then he detonates a stink bomb the next week, and AR's the guy. Then AR, I don't know, runs off the field midway through the snap count or something, and, well, you know, Daniel looked really good that one week, so we'll give him another shot.

On and on. To judgment's trump, apparently.

One more thing: If the nightmare scenario actually happens, and the Colts bail on AR, what happens then?

Jones, after all, is a one-season rental, and he was never intended to be more than that. So the Colts aren't going to sign him to a chunky long-term deal (although it's the Colts, so you never know). That means they're suddenly without a quarterback headed into next offseason -- or they hang onto AR, and they're right back to square one.

In which case, Parnelli is starting to look better and better. Just sayin'.

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