Thursday, October 12, 2023


 The NHL hasn't been able to get out of its own way for decades, so I'm not sure how the league banning Pride tape on sticks -- rainbow-colored tape worn during Pride month to show support for the LGBTQ+ community -- qualifies as news.

It's just the latest misstep in Gary Bettman's ongoing clown show.

The league even hauled out Big D ("distraction") as justification for the ban, and covered itself by decreeing you couldn't put special tape on your stick supporting ANY cause, including fighting cancer. But the Pride tape is the anchor tenant here, because there were players who refused to wear special Pride jerseys during Pride month on account of it was against their religion to support the gay/transgender community.

Thus the "distraction." Thus the NHL kowtowing to bigotry, and giving the lie to its so-called embrace of "inclusion."

I know that's a dirty word these days among those of a certain political/religious bent, and as a Christian I've never understood that. I even left my church because of its rejection of inclusion and embrace of anti-gay/transgender bigotry. I suppose the NHL would label that a "distraction," too, although it only seems to consider it a distraction when people claim religion as their reason for doing something.

 Boy, are Bettman and Co. in for an awakening.

Because it might have considered, but clearly didn't, how much of a "distraction" it would create by imposing this ban. Because I guarantee some players will be skating out there with Pride tape on their sticks in defiance of the ban, and then the NHL will have a public relations nightmare on its hands.

I can see the headline now: NHL Fines Supporters of Gay/Transgender Rights. 

And the floodgates of distraction will open.

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